This is a beginner’s list of community activities available to children during and after they leave the Bell Center. We encourage parents to continually seek out opportunities to help their children lead physically and socially active lives.
There are often local, state and national resources related to a specific disability. Local recreation centers often provide a variety of movement programs and local churches often provide respite care.
This list is by no means exhaustive nor are the programs listed here endorsed by the Bell Center.
Community Resources ListEducational Resources
Not only does The Bell Center provide high-quality early intervention therapy for children, but we also strive to create a vital support system for parents. Among other resources, The Bell Center incorporates curriculum from The Incredible Years into our parent-infant classes.
Handouts in this section include:
- Getting to Know Your Baby
- Take Care of Yourself
- Coping with Crying
- Keeping My Sleeping Baby Safe
- Building a Positive Relationship with Your Baby
Handouts in this section include:
- Encouraging Your Baby’s Social and Language Development
- Speaking “Parent-ese”
- Social and Emotional Developmental Milestones (1-6 months)
- Goodness of Fit- Managing Your Baby’s Temperament
Handouts in this section include:
- Providing Physical, Visual and Tactile Stimulation to Encourage Your Baby’s Brain Development
- Reading to Your Baby
- Baby Alert: Keeping Your Baby Safe During Baths
- My Baby’s Stimulation Journal (3-6 months)