Junior Board

The Bell Center 2024-2025 Junior Board

The Bell Center Junior Board is a group of young professional volunteers formed with the sole purpose of creating community awareness, providing volunteer support, and fundraising for The Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs to maximize the potential of children from birth to three years of age who are at risk for developmental delay. 

Executive Committee
President- Robert Walston, Warren Averett
President-Elect- Grant Cochran, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama
VP Membership– Carly Derencz, First Horizon
VP Events– Payton Cato, Alabama Power Company
Member at Large– Katie Johnson, Gresham Smith
Advisor– Taylor Schoel, Schoel Engineering

Junior Board Members

Catherine Anthony, HighFive Healthcare
Jessica Bou Akar, Southern Research
Joe Barnello, Burr & Forman, LLP
Crawford Burton, HOAR Construction
Devan Byrd, Hare Wynn
Cooper Carden, Impact Stewardship Partners
Cole Carter, LIV Development
Patrick Cashman, Publix
Mitch Clanton, Merrill Lynch
Matt Davidson, ShearWorx
Daniel DeLoach, Altec
Hayden Dumestre, Doster Construction
Evan Fisher, Brasfield & Gorrie
Ashley Gooden, Style Advertising
Drew Harvey, AmWins
Bubba Hoffman, Miller Electric
Wes Holley, Cook Medical

Said Jabbour, Vulcan Materials Company
Tatum Jackson, Lightfoot, Franklin & White
Brandon King, Regions
Caroline Livingston, Business Interiors
Andrew Loftin, Vulcan Value Partners
John Lorino, First National Banker’s Bank
Sarah Mackintosh, Sterling Capital Management
Colby Nicholson, Videojet Technologies
Darby Nicholson, Nucor
Sam Obi, Protective
Sloane Phillips, Balch
Julia Pickle, Deloitte
Brian Romano, Home Health Physical Therapist
Emily Sawyer, Daniel Corporation
Spencer Webb, Surgical Care Associates
Kate Sewell, Grandview Medical Center
Whitt Watts, Maynard Nexsen

For more information about The Bell Center Junior Board, please contact Stacey Morales, Marketing & Development Director, at (smorales@thebellcenter.org).